ARPANSA’s team of experts have completed their review of the 61 submissions made to our new safety standard for radio wave exposure.

The submissions were received as part of ARPANSA’s public consultation on the draft Standard for Limiting Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields – 100 KHz to 300 GHz (RPS S-1), which ran from 31 August to 21 October 2020.

The consultation gave all interested parties, including members of the public, regulators, workers, industry and other experts the opportunity to provide feedback on our new standard.

‘I’d like to thank everybody who took the time to provide a submission to the new radio wave standard,’ said Dr Ken Karipidis, Assistant Director, Assessment and Advice at ARPANSA.

‘In total, our team reviewed more than 450 comments from a range of stakeholders, and we have adopted several minor technical changes and clarifications as part of our assessment of the feedback and questions received.’

Consultation feedback has been important in helping ARPANSA deliver a new standard that continues to provide strong protection to workers and the Australian community.

Responses to consultation comments will be published with the new safety standard.

‘As part of the release of the new standard, we will also be publishing an advisory note for use by regulators such as the Australian Communications and Media authority’, said Dr Karipidis.

‘Our engagement with stakeholders throughout the development and consultation has helped ensure a robust safety standard that will protect people and the environment from any harmful effects of radio waves,’ said Dr Karipidis.  

The updated standard will now undergo formal approvals and publication is expected to occur in early 2021.  

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