RPS S-1 (Rev. 1)

Standard for Limiting Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields – 100 KHz to 300 GHz (Rev. 1) (2021)

RPS S-1 (Rev .1) is now in force as a licence condition (replacing RPS 3).


Standard for Radiation Safety and Performance Testing of Diagnostic Imaging Apparatus (2024)

RPS No. 1

Recommendations for Limiting Exposure to Ionizing Radiation (1995) and National Standard for Limiting Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation (republished 2002)

RPS No. 1 has been superseded by the following publications:


Code for Radiation Protection in Planned Exposure Situations (Rev.1) (2020)


RPS C-2 (Rev. 1)

Code for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2019)

This edition of the Code for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, RPS C-2 (Rev. 1) (commonly referred to as the Transport Code) adopts the International Atomic Energy Agency Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2018 Edition (SSR-6, Rev. 1). For guidance on how to meet the requirements of this Code refer to IAEA safety guides:

  • SSG-26 Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material
  • SSG-33 Schedules of Provisions of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2018 Edition)


Code for Disposal Facilities for Solid Radioactive Waste (2018)

RPS No. 3

Radiation Protection Standard for Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields - 3 kHz to 300 GHz (2002)

RPS No. 3 has been superseded by the following publication:

Standard for Limiting Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields – 100 KHz to 300 GHz (Rev. 1) (2021)


Code of Radiation Protection Requirements for Industrial Radiography (2018)

RPS No. 5

Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Portable Density/Moisture Gauges Containing Radioactive Sources (2004)


Code for Radiation Protection in Medical Exposure (2019) (RPS C-5)


Code for Disposal of Radioactive Waste by the User (2018)

RPS No. 8

Code of Practice for the Exposure of Humans to Ionizing Radiation for Research Purposes (2005)


RPS No. 9

Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management in Mining and Mineral Processing (2005)

See associated Safety Guide:
RPS 9.1 - Safety Guide for Monitoring, Assessing and Recording Occupational Radiation Doses in Mining and Mineral Processing (2011)

RPS No. 10

Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Radiation Protection in Dentistry (2005)


RPS No. 11

Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources (2019)


RPS No. 12

Radiation Protection Standard for Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation (2006)


RPS No. 13

Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Safe Use of Fixed Radiation Gauges (2007)


RPS No. 14

Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Medical Applications of Ionizing Radiation (2008)

RPS No. 14 has been superseded by the combination of the following publications:

See associated Safety Guides:
RPS 14.1 - Safety Guide for Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (2008)
RPS 14.2 - Safety Guide for Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine (2008)
RPS 14.3 - Safety Guide for Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy (2008)

RPS No. 17

Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Radiation Protection in Veterinary Medicine (2009)


RPS No. 19

Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Application of Ionizing Radiation by Chiropractors (2009)


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